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Citizen's Charter

Deputy Director (Family Planning)

The purpose of the term


Ensuring dynamic efficient administrative management in the district for successful implementation of family planning, maternal and child, reproductive health and nutrition activities.

Institutional relations


A) Accountability


Administrative-Director General, Department of Family Planning,

In case of executive- Director, Family Planning, concerned department



B) Supervising officer / employee


All officers / employees of family planning activities in the district



C) Communication in the workplace:


All officers / employees including directors, assistant directors at district, district level

The main responsibility

1. Preparation of plans for implementation of family planning, maternal and child and reproductive health and nutrition programs in the district.

2. To implement family planning, maternal and child and reproductive health and nutrition activities at the district level under the supervision of the Director General, Director and Divisional Director.

3. Recruitment of Family Planning Inspector, Family Welfare Inspector, Upazila Family Planning Assistant, Family Welfare Assistant, Nanny and MLSS including staff management and taking disciplinary action within the district. Acting as the initiator of all other officers / employees of the district.

4. Report of activities of Assistant Director (Family Planning), Assistant Director (CC), Medical Officer (Clinic), Medical Officer (CC), Upazila Family Planning Officer, Medical Officer (MCH-FP), Medical Officer (Family Welfare) and Served as the reporting officer in their annual confidential report and as the counter signing officer in the annual confidential report of the Assistant Upazila Family Planning Officer and Senior Family Welfare Inspector.

5. To coordinate the activities of voluntary organizations and multi-sectoral development activities. Recommendation of senior officers for renewal in the affiliation of voluntary and non-governmental organizations and ensuring the supply of birth control materials and other materials to them. Acting as Member Secretary of District Family Planning Coordination Committee.

6. To inspect and inspect the work of MCWC, Sadar Clinic, lower level officers / employees. Giving opinions and suggestions from attending 2 Upazila Family Planning Committee meetings and 2 Union Family Planning Committee meetings every month. In addition, the overall activities of 4 Upazila Family Planning Offices will be verified and the Director General and Divisional Director will be informed within 7 days. To bear the responsibility of accountability.

7. Provide casual leave to all first class district / upazila / union level officers under control and advance all other types of leave. Approval of all types of leave (except overseas leave) for employees of all levels of the district except casual leave.

8. Observance of field training and all training activities conducted at district and lower level.

9. Determining strategies for development of IEM activities in the district, implementation of repentance and creation of demand for village level programs.

10. Ensure collection, storage, distribution of birth control materials and other materials in the district. For this purpose, at least 2 regional warehouses and 3 upazila warehouses and non-government organizations are inspected and the actual stock status is verified and the Director General and Director (Materials and Supplies) are informed in time.

11. Collection, consolidation and reporting of monthly, quarterly and annual reports.

12. Oversee the construction of FWC.

13. Ensuring maintenance and operation of staff training, vehicles and other equipment.

14. Submission of regular executed work and expenditure reports along with the concerned Director General and Director.

15. Acting as the appointing authority of all Family Welfare Inspectors, Family Planning Inspectors, Family Welfare Assistants, Upazila Family Planning Assistants, Nanny and MLSS.

16. Final decision regarding discipline of employees as the recruiting authority.

17. Overseeing the implementation of permanent and long-term procedures.

18. Served as a member of various committees constituted by the government at the district level.

19. To take necessary steps for the settlement of audit objections.

20. Performing other duties assigned by the government.